
Birdy sculptures

Eeeeeeeek! I did it...

I actually stopped fiddling with the life sized bird sculptures I've been working/ fretting on and posted them off to the fabricators (London Mouldmakers). I used roughly 7,000,000 miles of bubble wrap in a panic that they would all arrive with snapped tails and beaks but have since been assured they're all in one piece.

I made them from Sculpey (the same way I made the insects for the street benches at The Lexicon - see here) and baked them in the oven. Now they'll be cast and attached to the street name plates on the new Bellway Development in South Gloucestershire by the Essex wizards. The commission is all inspired by local birdlife and includes weathervanes, tiles and paving - thanks again to Studio Response for the marvellous project!

Last weekend I went to Tate Modern with the marvellous illustrator Sharon Farrow. We went to see the Ilya and Emilia Kabakov exhibition but I gossiped all the way through and took very little note of the show (yes, I am a deeply annoying person - I highly recommend you never visit any exhibitions with me.) I did however enjoy the giant swings on the ground floor - TOTALLY JOYOUS - highly recommend.

This weekend is full of marvellous things, I'm off to see wonderful Zerin (interior designer extraordinaire) for an afternoon of craft and cake. I am likely to spend the entire time talking, eating vast quantities of food and crafting very little haha, but I'm really looking forward to it. The next day I'm off to see Rachna at her open studios (we've been working on a skills exchange - I'm designing a logo for her and she's making me a wall hanging for my new flat in Hove - I CANNOT WAIT to share what we've been up to). Then off to see fabulous illustrator Willa Gebbie and visit the Rose Wylie show at the Serpentine. The visit will include cake and I will try to actually look at the art and not just gossip to Willa but no promises.

OK, I'm off for now, next week I should get the birdy tile samples so I'm hoping to share them with you soon, until then it's the usual drill - have fun, eat cake, hug friends x

1 comment:

TERNA said...

Contrary to your recommendation, I look forward to visiting an exhibition with you. Congratulations once again on your bird sculptures